The Second Earl of Hardwicke (1720-90)

Inscription on the tomb of Philip Yorke, second Earl of Hardwicke (1720-90), St Andrew's church, Wimpole

In the family vault in this Chapel are deposited the Remains of Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Son & Heir of Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Lord High Chancellor of Britain, &c: &c: by Margaret his Wife. He was born Dec. 20th. 1720, & died May 16th. in his 70th. year. In 1736, he was appointed a Teller of the Exchequer; in 1757, Lord Lieutt. & Custos Rotulorum of the County of Cambridge; in 1760, a Member of His Majesty's Most Honble. Privy Council; in 1764, elected High Steward of the Univerſity of Cambridge; & had the Honour of Repreſenting that County in Parliament from 1747 to 1764, when he ſucceeded to the Title, &c.

To the earliest Indications of uncommon quickness of Parts, & a strong comprehensive Understanding, were happily united, an ardent Desire of Knowledge, & an unremitting Application. With Gifts so excellent, improved by Culture, he would have done Honour, by his Talents, to the highest Stations, if the Pursuits & Attainments of Learning, had not been more congenial to his Nature, than Views of Ambition, or of Active Life.

Well versed in claſſical and general Learning, peculiarly distinguished by an extensive and accurate Knowledge of History; ready and elegant in Compoſition; fond of the Arts, and of the Objects of his youthful Studies; he promoted the firſt, by his Countenance & Liberality, the laſt by his Example.

The regular and blameleſs Tenor of his Life, and his Benevolence towards Individuals, evinced beyond a doubt, that the Principles he profeſſed, and the Duties he practised, were founded upon the great and eſtabliſhed Truths of the Natural and Revealed Religion.

Amid the various Bleſſings he enjoyed, the only With which the Warmth of Affection could have devised for the Completion of his Happiness, was obtained by his Marriage, in 1740, with Jemima Campbell, Daughter of John, Lord Viscount Glenorchy (afterwards Earl of Breadalbane) Grand-Daughter & Heireſs of Henry, Duke of Kent; Baroness Lucas of Crudwell, and Marchioness Grey, the Iſſue of which were, Lady Amabell & Lady Mary Grey.

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